Previous Poll Results

Corpusfishing Poll #30

Would you vote to compromise with the City and Intrawest on South Packery?

Total votes 455

  Yes, but only after they put in the 140 parking spaces and bring back the promised Bathhouse. (94) 21%
  No, they would not compromise any with us so they can stick it! (253) 56%
  Yes, but only if they put in bollards and allow us to drive on the beach. (108) 24%

Corpusfishing Poll #29

Would adding 140 parking spaces at S. Packery Jetty and bollards for safety be acceptable to you?

Total votes 783

  Yes (551) 70%
  No (232) 30%

Corpusfishing Poll #28

Will high gas prices cause you to cut back on fishing trips?

Total votes 2177

  Yes (1134) 52%
  No (848) 39%
  No, but I will be carpooling more often (195) 9%

Corpusfishing Poll #27

What brand of Kayak do you own?

Total votes 616

  Ocean (220) 36%
  Cobra (38) 6%
  Perception (46) 7%
  Wilderness Systems (98) 16%
  Malibu (40) 6%
  Heritage (21) 3%
  Mainstream (27) 4%
  Emotion (5) 1%
  Islander (56) 9%
  Other (65) 11%

Corpusfishing Poll #25

Do you think Flounder should be designated a Gamefish by TPW?

Total votes 328

  Yes, if they still allowed gigging by recreational fishermen. (177) 54%
  Yes, even without allowing gigging there would be more of them (90) 27%
  No, commercial flounder fishermen would be hit too hard. (12) 4%
  No, there are plenty of them now. (49) 15%

Corpusfishing Poll #24

Do you think Carl aka Bud Rowland's 15.6lb Spotted Sea Trout should be the Texas State Record?

Total votes 549

  Yes, if the IGFA recognizes it, then it should not matter if he released it. (265) 48%
  No, there are too many ways to cheat without inspecting the fish. (284) 52%

Corpusfishing Poll #23

What would you have named the new Corpus Christi Baseball team instead of "The Hooks"?

Total votes 418

  Redfish, reds for short (62) 15%
  Sharks (55) 13%
  Specks (26) 6%
  Flounder (not the best name for a team you expect to do well) (3) 1%
  Mullet (117) 28%
  Tarpon (46) 11%
  Snook (5) 1%
  Hardheads (104) 25%

Corpusfishing Poll #22

Do you think Fishing Guides should guide only in their home waters?

Total votes 251

  Yes, if they would like to guide somewhere else they ought to move there! (95) 38%
  No, their license allows them to guide and fish in any public waters in Texas. (156) 62%

Corpusfishing Poll #21
You think the one over 25" rule per day for speckled trout
Total votes 366
 Will increase the size and numbers of larger trout  (239) 65%
 Will make no difference in the size and number of larger trout  (127) 35%

Corpusfishing Poll #20
Would you like to see the bag limit raised on Redfish?
Total votes 241
 Yes  (109) 45%
 No  (132) 55%

Corpusfishing Poll #19
What do you think the impact of the new Packery Channel will have on the Speckled Trout Fishery?
Total votes 190
 Improve the fishery with better tidal flow from the Gulf.  (141) 74%
 Won't effect fishing much either way.  (30) 16%
 Harm the fishery due to the increase in anglers fishing.  (19) 10%

Corpusfishing Poll #18
Overall, how would you rate this summer based on your catches?
Total votes 256
 Outstanding  (25) 10%
 Good  (150) 59%
 Average  (72) 28%
 Poor  (9) 4%

Corpusfishing Poll #17
If you could only eat one type of fish for the rest of your life what would it be?
Total votes 355
 Speckled Trout  (99) 28%
 Flounder  (150) 42%
 Redfish  (72) 20%
 Black Drum  (9) 3%
 Sheepshead (note I didn't say you had to clean it :)  (10) 3%
 Whiting  (9) 3%
 Sand trout  (3) 1%
 Gafftop  (3) 1%

Corpusfishing Poll #16
Are you entering the Star Tournament this Year? Feel free to leave comments on why yes or no too
Total votes 305
 Yes  (156) 51%
 No  (149) 49%

Corpusfishing Poll #15
Would you support a bill SB 1790 proposed banning the use of Croaker under 10" for bait?
Total votes 365
 Yes  (161) 44%
 No  (204) 56%

Corpusfishing Poll #14
What was the biggest area fishing story of 2002?
Total votes 80
 BNP's drilling on the Padre Island National Seashore  (16) 20%
 The Proposals To Change Spotted Seatrout Regs  (34) 43%
 Beach Access Rights Along the Texas Coast  (19) 24%
 The Opening of Cedar Bayou  (11) 14%

Corpusfishing Poll #13
What's the number one choice on your Holiday Fishing Wish List?
Total votes 265
 Bay Boat  (51) 19%
 Surf rod and reel  (47) 18%
 Trout rod and reel  (19) 7%
 Kayak  (45) 17%
 Gift Certificate to local Sporting Goods Store  (40) 15%
 Offshore Boat  (33) 12%
 New waders that don't leak  (14) 5%
 Reef Boots  (8) 3%
 Camping Gear  (8) 3%

Corpusfishing Poll #12

Would you support speckled trout regulations divided by region Upper Vs Lower Coast?
Total votes 123
 Yes  (67) 54%
 No  (56) 46%

Even if those meant no changes for the Upper Coast with more conservative regs for the Lower Coast?
Total votes 121
 Yes  (67) 55%
 No  (54) 45%

Corpusfishing Poll #11 Results
Regarding Speckled Trout limits and proposals which of these would you favor?
Total Votes 359
 Reducing the bag limit from 10 to 6 (35) 10%
 Allow one fish over 26 inches per limit (43) 12%
 Increasing the minimum size to 16 inches (33) 9%
 Eliminating guides limits (73) 20%
 All of the above 94) 26%
 Keep things as they are (81) 23%

Corpusfishing Poll #11
Regarding Speckled Trout limits and proposals which of these would you favor?
Total Votes 359
 Reducing the bag limit from 10 to 6 (35) 10%
 Allow one fish over 26 inches per limit (43) 12%
 Increasing the minimum size to 16 inches (33) 9%
 Eliminating guides limits (73) 20%
 All of the above 94) 26%
 Keep things as they are (81) 23%

Corpusfishing Poll #10
As a result of the attack on the WTC, do you plan to cut down on fishing or fishing expenditures?
Total Votes 201
 Yes (8) 4%
 No (193) 96%

Corpusfishing Poll #9
Would you support a Redfish Tour tournament in the Corpus Christi area that is Catch and Release?
Total Votes 111
 Yes (79) 71%
 No (32) 29%

Corpusfishing Poll #8
What is your favorite fish to catch?
Total Votes 172
 Black Drum (15) 9%
 Blacktip Shark (7) 4%
 Croaker (1) 1%
 Flounder (6) 3%
 Gafftop Catfish (3) 2%
 Jack Crevalle (7) 4%
 King Mackerel (6) 3%
 Pompano (0) 0%  
 Redfish (69) 40%
 Sand Trout (3) 2%
 Spanish Mackerel (6) 3%
 Speckled Trout (41) 24%
 Snook (3) 2%
 Tarpon (4) 2%
 Whiting (1) 1% Poll #7
What is your favorite fishing show?
Total Votes 208
 Bassmasters (5) 2%
 Mark Sosin's Saltwater Journal (40) 19%
 Bill Dance Outdoors (5) 2%
 Fishing with Roland Martin (5) 2%
 Cabela's Sportsman's Quest (1) 0%  
 Fishing Texas (22) 11%
 John Barrett's Fly Fishing the World (1) 0%  
 TX Angler and or Chevy Sportsman (19) 9%
 Hank Parker Outdoors (3) 1%
 Sportsman's Journal with Andy Mill (4) 2%
 Spanish Fly with Jose Wejebe (59) 28%
 Fishing with Jimmy Houston (0) 0%  
 In-Fisherman (3) 1%
 The Fishin' Hole with Jerry Mckinnis (1) 0%  
 Walker's Cay Chronicles (40) 19% Poll #6

On your trout rods what type of reel do you prefer?
Total Votes 153
 Baitcasting (99) 65%
 Spinning (54) 35%

What brand of baitcaster do you use?
Total Votes 147
 Shimano (62) 42%
 Ambassadeur Abu Garcia (55) 37%
 Daiwa (3) 2%
 Penn (14) 10%
 Quantum (6) 4%
 Lew's (3) 2%
 Browning (0) 0%  
 Shakespeare (2) 1%
 Pinnacle (0) 0%  
 Other (2) 1%

What brand of spinning reel do you use?
Total Votes 123
 Shimano (51) 41%
 Abu Garcia (8) 7%
 Daiwa (4) 3%
 Penn (40) 33%
 Quantum (8) 7%
 Browning (1) 1%
 Shakespeare (6) 5%
 Pinnacle (1) 1%
 Other (4) 3% Poll #5
For beach or bay use what brand of Truck or SUV is Best?
Total Votes 160
 Chevy (53) 33%
 Ford (48) 30%
 Dodge (8) 5%
 Toyota (3) 2%
 Nissan (7) 4%
 Isuzu (4) 2%
 Mitsubishi (1) 1%
 Subaru (0) 0%  
 Mazda (0) 0%  
 Jeep (27) 17%
 Hummer (8) 5%
 Other (1) 1% Poll #4
What brand is your favorite all around trout and redfish rod for plugging and or popping?
Total Votes 140
 Fenwick (7) 5%
 Shakespeare Intrepid (8) 6%
 Allstar (22) 16%
 Castaway (18) 13%
 Falcon (10) 7%
 G-Loomis (10) 7%
 Ugly Stick/Ugly Stick Lite (36) 26%
 Daiwa coastal inshore (0) 0%  
 Berkeley Lightning Rod (7) 5%
 Shimano (3) 2%
 Lamiglas (1) 1%
 Gold Cup (2) 1%
 Academy Tournament Choice Premiere (5) 4%
 St.Croix (4) 3%
 Other (7) 5% Poll #3

Do you think the dredging of Packery Channel will help the Corpus Christi economy?
Total Votes 37
 Yes (30) 81%
 No (7) 19%

Do you think the dredging of Packery Channel will benefit the environment?
Total Votes 38
 Yes (24) 63%
 No (14) 37%

How would you vote on a proposal to dredge Packery Channel?
Total Votes 40
 Yes (28) 70%
 No (12) 30% Poll #2

Do you think a proposed law requiring the wearing of PFD's for all on boats will save lives?
Total Votes 53
 Yes (25) 47%
 No (19) 36%
 Undecided (9) 17%

If you were able to vote on the proposal what would your vote be?
Total Votes 52
 Yes (13) 25%
 No (39) 75% Poll #1
What should we name the Fishing Message Board?
Total Votes 82
 Texas Inshore Saltwater Fishing Board (20) 24%
 Texas Coast Shore Fishing Board (7) 9%
 Trout and Redfish Board (0) 0%  
 Spots N Dots Fishing (4) 5%
 Texas Bay and Surf Fishing (51) 62%

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