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Big Shell Cleanup\PINS Fishing

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Horse Mullet

Joined: 16 Jun 2007
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Location: San Antonio

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:41 am    Post subject: Big Shell Cleanup\PINS Fishing Reply with quote

Well year 2 of being a section leader on the books. Came down Friday night and stayed with a friend. Up EARLY Saturday morning. Casey came down also to be my Section Leader in Training. A friend from work was meeting us at the Visitor Center and another friend Squirrel was already on the beach fishing and was going to meet us at our designated mile. Left the trusty rusty Tacoma at home and took the Ford since it can haul more people. We were planning on doing the cleanup then heading down the beach for some fishing since we were there. I was lucky enough to end up with 3 fantastic people in my truck and we laughed and told fishing lies the whole time. If you weren't at the Cleanup, shame on you.

Well, with the cleanup a success and some new friends made, we gassed up and headed back S. Driving was not horrible but definitely left something to be desired. By the time we got to Squirrels camp he already caught and released 2 B Drum, 35" and 36". Withing minutes of us pulling up, he landed a 40" Red. Weed started to roll in ever so slightly Sat evening but wasn't much of a nuisance. Sunday morning Squirrel banged out a 26" then a 25" Red (some guys have all the luck) and then the weed really came in. Casey and his brother left around noon, Squirrel left around 1 and I had the place to myself since I was staying til Monday. I thought about running home since I couldn't really fish but sometimes its about the getaway, not how many fish you can box. I decided to run to the jetty to see what the full length of the beach looked like. Weed was bad but worse in some places. 44-49 was wiped out with weed on the beach and mats in the surf.

Incoming tide had some in the channel but didn't bother my 2 lines that sat for about 30 minutes, untouched. With daylight fading I wanted to run back down the beach a ways and camp so Mondays drive wouldn't be so long. I ended up in front of the Turtle Shack because there was a good amount of firewood there (no, not the Turtle Shack... Laughing )

Had a great time hanging solo the last day on the beach. Got some exploring\beach-combing in, had a nice fire, grilled some steak and asparagus, then had a whiskey and a cigar. Life was good. When I got up at 6 Mon morning, the wind had shifted to the NE, temp dropped to 59, fog was way worse, I couldn't see the 2nd bar, so it was time to pack up and head home. I had a great weekend on the Coast. Thanks again to everyone w Friends of Padre, Billy Sandifer and the other Section Leaders. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year.

I will say this, from the jetty to the 9mm I was the only person on the beach. The cleanest mile BY FAR was the 28-27mm. Whoever the Section Leader was there did GREAT! haha Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

You can barely see the Nic

Can someone tell me what these are called? Found em behind the dunes. Looked and smelled like big ol green beans.

And here's some pics of the Gator at the 57mm. Maybe the rumors are true about those freshwater ponds behind the dunes.... Very Happy

Til next time
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool man! That's why I love that place, ya never know what ya might find! Cool
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great report! We had heard the week prior to the cleanup that there was plenty of sargassum just offshore. Looks like it is starting to roll in.
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Horse Mullet

Joined: 23 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awesome photos!!!
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