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PINS 5/24/12

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Towboat Trash
Member White Shrimper Boot Club

Joined: 25 May 2009
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Location: somewhere on 130 miles of beach

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:14 pm    Post subject: PINS 5/24/12 Reply with quote

Well, I think those demons are outta here for now, and yet another day of wind, waves, and assorted exploration missions is now in the history books.

And man, what a day.

While the beach still features howling waves, wind, and current ripping to the north like a tropical storm is about to slam into us, as always-there appears to be things to be learned from anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see. And I'm nothing less than amazed that I've taken to long to get back behind the dune line on "up north" beach. Because after all...that's where the majority of the ranching structures, etc were located, not way down south!

And after a late start due to talking guns, rocket launchers, and pistols with my very well armed neighbor-I was off.

And the beach was right where I left it.

And so was the howling wind...

And having planned a ridiculously top secret exploration mission to find a U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Station that to my knowledge no one has been to since Louis Rawalt helped reestablish its prescence, and then Ralph Wade after him....and then hopefully me. It would time to snake proof up, because if I die tomorrow, dangit, I really just haven't lived yet!!! Shocked

And when I got back in behind those dunes, what I found was a combination of Big Shell coppice dunes, and grassy flats.

And it was beautiful.

Until I stumbled upon some unlucky rattlesnake victim...

Anyone want to venture a guess to what this is?

And the hiking was tough, with random switchbacks constantly delaying my progress.

And soon enough, not a snake, but a random BIRD attack occured and I was almost knocked out by some bird that's crazier than me flying up into my face!!!
And when I saw what be eggs it had laid, things made sense.

And after standing there a occured to me that the tall grass that so graciously concealed this creature's offspring would also make ideal snake cover, and I just might be the next sun bleached bag of bones victim! Evil or Very Mad

Time to roll out....

And soon-I saw what I had thought to be in the area!!

But before I saw the marker....I saw this. Apparently, a brush fire years ago burnt the "Witness Post" to the ground. Ahhhhh young grasshopper..... Confused

And due to some research that I was fortunate enough to stumble into, I knew that what I was holding was the remains of a black and orange wooden tower from the year 1958....that stood a full 30 feet tall.....What happened to those who built this? Where did they get this lumber? Who grew it? And could they have known someone like myself would hold these remains 54 years later??? Shocked

And of course, two hours since leaving the beach, here was my reward.

1939. And if you don't feel the goosebumps and the hair rise on the back of your neck as you are fortunate enough to read this marker-then you just haven't lived yet either! And as I stared in awe....I couldn't help but listen to the breeze blow and feel lucky to stand in Louis, and Ralph's footsteps from years and years and years ago.

And then something else caught my eye!!!

Roll OUT!!! Twisted Evil

Is this what's left of the pipeline?? How old could it be!

And I realized....that while we all blaze or don't blaze our own way in this world, that whatever story I write in this life, I want it to be just that---the story of a life that was NEVER for rent--that I owned and lived; lock, stock, and barrel.

And I knew it was time to head back to the beachfront, because some fools never learn, and some beach-tards like myself never bring water when they should have.... Laughing

And wonder of all wonders....I freaking stumbled across actual GRASS!!! It won't grow in my cottonpicking YARD but it'll grow way out down Island??!!

And even some clover looking plants....!

And an hour and a half later, I heard and then saw the Gulf as it roared...

My kingfish oil rig!!!! What a sight!!

And I took a moment to look back, and ponder the past.

But like always, all we have NOW is the present, and ultimately, the future.

And post that I had seen on the biggest dune in a mile turned out to be a Corp of Engineers experiment marker from who knows when...

But the 40mph howling wind didn't care....

And once again, I found more flowers that were beautiful and unknown to me...

But I'm only a man, and we men got "needs" and I ain't talking about what about 10% of ya'll "sailors" like myself probably had rolling around your heads. Laughing Laughing Laughing

And as the sweat beaded up and rolled off that ice ice ICE COLD bottle of the best tasting gatorade I've ever had....I sat on the tailgate and gave thanks.

For the Island was good to me, I was in one piece yet again, and I am fortunate enough to be able to do these things. Not everyone has their freedom in this life.

And after a couple hours of "prep" work for tomorrow's exploration mission/snake avoidance plan..... Laughing ......I headed home.

And yet again, right the friggin' blacktop!!!.....I saw what I thought to be maybe a myth!

And I'm so sorry for the "bigfoot" picture....but I don't have a very fancy camera, and this binoculaur shot was the best I could do.

Do ya'll realize that this IS!

This coyote had RED HAIR on its ears/head!!!! It's Billy's red haired coyote/World War beach patrol hybrid!!!!!

Ya'll think what you want! I know!!! This guy stared me down for 10 minutes with vehicles going by and everything....and HE KNEW....AND I KNEW.....what eachother was about....

And through my binoculaurs, I could see he lacked the triangulation of a typical coyote's face....and since Billy said he has seen this exceptionally intelligent creature near the north beach, as soon as I saw the red hair, I KNEW.

But like all things, the day had to come to an end, so arm out the window right on back to the house! Roll out! And if you don't ride the Island like this, unless you have a medical condition or something and NEED A/C, mail yourself to Pakistan pronto!!! Laughing

And as tradition dictates, dinner was served!! Yellowfin Tuna grilled!!!!!!

I'm out. Have a good Friday folks.

Protect Padre at all costs for future generations to use and enjoy and never forget our freedoms aren't free.
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Member White Shrimper Boot Club

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awesome read. Thanks for sharing.
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love exploring behind the dunes when the beach is torn up. Lots of fun and without the urge to fish.

Thanks as always!
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larry meinert
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's nice back there. Thanks again for some great pictures. L
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Beautiful Pics and now it make me want to go down there and see the wonders of nature for myself!
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Member White Shrimper Boot Club

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great read as always. I find myself looking forward to your reports knowing they will be entertaining. My wife generally doesn't pay much attention while I'm on this site, but she will read your great posts.
I like fishies
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Horse Mullet

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mmmmm YFT!
"Our houses are protected by the good Lord and a gun And you might meet'em both if you show up here not welcome son" -Josh Thompson
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Pony Mullet

Joined: 08 Dec 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good stuff!
To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it. - G.K. Chesterton
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